
Hi sweet girl!

I thought today would be a good time to write you another post since you are having a daddy daughter day today.  Sidenote: you have such a great dad.  If I never do another thing right when it comes to being your mother, I chose a wonderful father for you… plus he is SUCH a babe (I bet you’re grossed out right now, ha!). 

            Alright, alright, back to the blog…  I had planned to use this post to highlight big events in your life from the year 2013, until this link started covering my facebook timeline about everything that is wrong with getting married before you’re 23.  I read the article and started thinking about my hopes for you when it comes to your future marriage.  And the more I thought about it, the more I realized I don’t picture you at a certain age when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle.  That being said, if you need my legal permission to get married, you’re absolutely too young, girlfriend.  There are, however, some things I do hope for when it comes time to “give you away.”  I hate that term by the way, I will never ever give you away ever.

         1. I hope that you look/find someone like your dad.  Sounds super creepy, huh?  Hear me out, baby girl.  It’s okay if your future husband doesn’t love the Dallas Cowboys like your dad or think he can freestyle like your dad does.  The qualities your father has that I want you to find in your significant other are much more important.  That dad of yours has the kindest heart out of anyone I know.  He is so willing to help anyone and everyone without asking anything in return.  Your dad opens doors for me and always says the sweetest things to me.  You will be hard pressed to find anyone as crazy about you as he is, but I hope you will.  Because that is the man that deserves to call you his wife.

         2.  I want you to be in a place where you can enjoy being engaged.  I hope I can do a good job explaining this one.  I want you to be in a position where you can enjoy planning your wedding and spend your time focused on the details that go into that (believe me, there are a lot).  I love you with every ounce of my being, but Bella girl… you are a full time job, on top of a full time job and being a full time student.  Ideally, I would like you to be finished with college when you get engaged.  I also hope that you get married before you have children.  I know I should say “because that’s what our faith says,” but honestly, I really just want you to have that time to spend with just you and your fiancé.  That one on one relationship will have several tests throughout your lifetime and it is so important to give it the strongest foundation possible before stacking things (children) on top of it.

       3.  I pray that you enter your marriage understanding the permanency of the union.  Although our society today places little, if any, stigma on divorce these days, it is not okay.  There are obvious times when it is necessary, and I hope that you are never in one of those situations.  But I know that you, sweet girl, will be wise enough to understand that you are not only saying “I do” to being a wife, you are saying “I do” to being the mother of his children.  Divorce doesn’t just affect you and your husband; it affects your children in a BIG way.  You’re already such a smart girl; I know you will take into consideration all of this before you agree to marry someone.

       4. I hope that when you decide to get married, it is because that is what you and your significant other want.  Please don’t feel pressure to get engaged because that’s what all your friends are doing or because you’re at a certain age.  But in the same respect, IF you are ready, don’t be afraid to settle down even if your friends are not.  Only you know your relationship and when you are ready, trust yourself and your instincts… and your momma!

You see, Isabella, there are always going to be standards set by our society.  One decade, 23 and single means you’ll die alone.  The next decade, 23 and married means a divorce is inevitable.  There is no cookie cutter for a strong marriage; and if you’re worried about what others think, your relationship probably isn’t strong enough for a marriage anyways.  If you only take one thing from this post, let it be this: At the end of the day, you don’t kiss facebook goodnight and you don’t fall asleep in twitter’s arms.  Your marriage and who you choose to spend every day of the rest of your life is nobody’s decision but your own… with some say from your momma of course.  Love you more than you will ever know, baby girl.



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